Winnerlist 2016

1. Campaign of the Year

Maersk Line

How modern marketing turned ‘tree hugging’ into bottom-line benefits

Maersk Line is the world’s largest and most eco-friendly shipping company. Offering Carbon Pacts to our Key Client segment has created increased loyalty amongst profitable customers. Our campaign spanned 10 channels and aimed at signing Carbon Pacts and starting conversations. We signed 2 Carbon Pacts and generated 2 leads. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but 1 lead has the potential of $265,551,000!
Ketchum Pleon

Studieren in Fernost

The campaign “Studying in the Far East” ended in Dec. 2015 after 7 years. The goal was to entice more students from West Germany to study at East German universities. 10 years ago, merely 1 out of every 6 students came from West Germany (16.3%), while at the start of the fall semester in 2014/15, every third freshmen came from the west. The share of West German freshmen increased by 110%!
Rockwell Automation

Aligning the Enterprise to One, Powerful Message

When you’re the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and information, aligning 22,500 employees across 80 countries to one, aligned message is no easy task. But our Internal Communications team took on the challenge and constructed a campaign so compelling employees would opt-in to become part of the story. Within six months, we achieved unprecedented levels of success.
VMware AirWatch

AirWatch’s Mobile Game Changer campaign

AirWatch’s Mobile Game Changer campaign documents the journeys of the organisations that have embraced mobile, not as a business tool, but as a new paradigm that has the power to enable astounding productivity, connect people in new ways and change lives. The campaign was deemed a success thanks to the reach of the content that the 18 video case studies in five different languages have generated.
Vodafone GmbH

I’ll show you the world – experience the Vodafone network

A good network can’t be touched or photographed. It has to be experienced. That is why Vodafone sent Mia Buehler around the world- connected via 4G Roaming; enabling live visits of five European cities.The project was present on all social channels with the hashtag #izddw. Vodafone delivered travel inspirations via 4G Roaming and the target group answered with more than 1m interactions & 6m views.

2. Strategy of the Year


Knorr - #LoveAtFirstTaste

Knorr set out to drive reappraisal with Millennials by tapping into our shared passion for food & cooking. Research showed flavour was key in relationship compatibility so we set up blind dates matched entirely by flavour, filmed the results & created an online Flavour Profiler to help viewers find & share their profile. The campaign launched a global conversation with over 2B imps & 108M views.
Estonian National Broadcasting

ERR Novaator – the largest science news platform in Estonia and a unique PR cooperation in Europe

University of Tartu
The University of Tartu (UT), which belongs to the top 3% of the world’s best universities, initiated a new science communication channel together with the Estonian National Broadcasting (ERR) to explain science to the general public and provide an open floor for all fields of science. The channel called ERR Novaator has quickly become the leading science news source in Estonia.
Shell International Petroleum Company


Shell introduced a brand new retail content platform. Filled with real people and real stories. All starting with one simple question: “Where are you going?” People from all over the world shared their personal journeys with us. These stories changed people’s perception of Shell. For the first time in our history the words ‘love' and ‘care' were associated with our brand!
Sligro Foodgroup


LVB Networks
Foodbrigade is the successful platform created by Sligro Food Group (largest wholesale-foodservices company in the Netherlands) that helps top chefs and entrepreneurs become more profitable. Where most blogs mainly publish content about food and recipes, we focused on improving the business side. The media brand promise we deliver is: Foodbrigade, the heart of the food industry.
Vodafone GmbH

Vodafone Gadget Inspectors

Convidera GmbH
As the brains behind MTV Game One, the Rocket Beans are real experts for games, gadgets & wearables. On behalf of Vodafone their "Gadget Inspectors" regularly test the latest innovations & verify whether the costs, benefits & the fun really agree. In 2015 the format had over 23 mio. views and 84k positive interactions among Vodafones technophile target groups as well as the Rocket Beans community.

3. Innovation of the Year

Gjensidige, Trygg Trafikk

Hold Fokus

PR- operatørene, Tjarnargatan
Drivers distracted by their mobile phones is an increasing problem on Norwegian roads. Together with Trygg Trafikk, Gjensidige wanted to place this problem on the agenda. Through an innovative video-application and hugely successful PR-work, distracted drivers was one of the most mentioned subjects of this year’s summer and the campaign had a reach of over 30 000 000.
Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Lufthansa 360°

By using 360° technology we allow our audiences to really be there: tour a destination, feel the new business class, experience travel. It allows us to broaden our imagery beyond aviation, beyond the usual. We invite our viewers to explore new territory with us. They watch, love, and share our content, our stories and their experiences.

HSBC NOW: Our People, Our Story

This campaign is about repairing trust from within, and re-building reputation. The creative idea was to invite all employees, using a bespoke video crowd-sourcing tool (which we created in just 8 weeks) to film, from sunrise to sunset, the moments, people and places which motivate them to be at their best. Over 57hrs of user-generated footage was edited into an engaging film of under 10 minutes.
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Iceberg Songs

Buzzin Monkey, Serviceplan Campaign 3 GmbH, Serviceplan Public Relations GmbH
We're on the verge of a global catastrophe. But it's still denied by politicians. As climate change is so hard to capture by radionality we made it perceptible by sense and emotion. With the United Nations and international Top DJs, we transformed unique sounds of melting icebergs into dance tracks that hit the web. Now the dying icebergs cry so loud that nobody can close his ears to their lament.
Vodafone Libertel BV

Vodafone's SmartJacket

DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Glasnost International B.V.
In the Netherlands cycling is part of our life. However with the increasing usage of the smartphone this can lead to unsafe situations. Vodafone came up with a smarter way of using the smartphone. Together with the Dutch cyclists association they invented the SmartJacket, a special jacket that helps cyclists navigate safely to traffic without using their mobile phone.

4. Communications Team of the Year

Jyske Bank, Jyske Bank

Jyske Bank TV - Editorial Team of the Year

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Lufthansa * Digital Innovations

FTI Consulting

FTI Digital – Communications Team of the Year

FTI Consulting
Lloyds Banking Group

More Google than Gringotts: Sharing the digital story of Lloyds Banking Group

voestalpine AG

The Power of Online & Social Media #voestalpineteam

5. Companies

Continental Automotive GmbH

Interactive image brochure Continental

Good literature needs to serve two purposes to be successful: to provide readers with a comprehensive view of what the company has to offer and to get attention and convert that attention into sales and contacts. This interactive image brochure did not just pave the way for Continental’s sales agents at the IAA, but has also become a powerful digital sales assistant for daily business ever since.

Nestlé: Building reputation based con Social Listening & Influencers outreach

As a company worried for their consumers, Nestlé was interested in getting closer to its digital audience. They contacted Acceso in order help them understand who are those Key Opinion Leaders and also to build closer relationships with them to reinforce their digital campaigns impacts. Our answer: we have created and engaged the 1st and only Digital Mums community in Mexico with Nestlé
Siemens AG

Ingenuity for life – Customer references show Siemens` inventiveness

In 2016 Siemens celebrates the 200th birthday of its founder Werner von Siemens. Perfect timing for strengthening Siemens global positioning with a new brand appearance, whose central component is the claim "Ingenuity for life." The campaign sums up what Siemens stands for: engineering expertise, genius and innovation. It is presented on landing and reference pages as well as social media channels

6. Associations & NGOs


Check-in for refugees

achtung! GmbH, thjnk AG
There have never before been so many refugees. Many Germans are afraid. So how can you still appeal for their solidarity? MORE THAN SHELTERS is trying to do so with a unique campaign: Germans become refugees themselves for one night – in refugee tents. They are promoted digitally like hotel suites. Result: the tents are instantly booked out; 225.3 million contacts; donations in excess of €150 k.
Fashion Revolution

The 2 € T-Shirt - a social experiment

BBDO, Ketchum Pleon
There are millions of people enslaved in life threatening sweatshops. We wanted to see if people would still buy a cheap T-shirt if they were confronted with how it was made. We started a social experiment and our video documentation went viral, supported by influencer relations and press relations: 6+ million views on YouTube, 25 million social media impressions, 50+ million media impressions.

Hivos: Help the help

Glasnost, JALT, TAPE
Annually 500.000 Indonesian women are recruited by dubious 'Maid Agencies' and working as maids in the Gulf. They are living in isolement and are vulnerable for violence. NGO Hivos wanted to raise awareness about this topic, but since it is taking place so far away it had to be bold. Therefore they openend a pop-up store for maids and offered it to the Dutch public, made a video and invited press.
Police Federation Northern Ireland


#WeAreYou is an awareness campaign, designed to bring the Police in Northern Ireland closer to the public they serve. Three hard hitting films illustrate that behind the uniform, officers are ordinary people, doing an extraordinary job. The campaign was launched at Stormont, via the virtual world, and in cinemas, and has been widely acclaimed, reaching nearly 1/5th of NI in just 4 weeks.
Walk Free Foundation

Global Slavery Index 2016

FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting was challenged to create a global media and digital strategy to deliver blanket worldwide coverage and initiate a social media conversation with engagement from top tier influencers. Our targeted, timed, tiered and focussed strategy achieved over 201million twitter impressions including tweets from high level political influencers from Washington to Wellington.

7. Institutions

EuropeAid, European Commission

European Year for Development 2015

Media Consulta GmBH
For the 'European Year for Development' in 2015 (hereafter EYD2015), EuropeAid, the EU's international cooperation and development arm, decided to turn the usual government campaign model upside down by allowing its 200+ partners to co-own and co-curate the campaign. The innovative storytelling approach adopted not only reached millions of citizens but also changed their perception of development.

Engaging university students in student politics

How do you engage university students in student politics? Or to care about their membership in a union such as Djøf? To make Djøf and the student political situation in Denmark tangible (and eatble!) we combined offline events with social media exposure based on community generated content. The result is a large, engaged and lively student community based on student political debates.
European Commission - DG Education and Culture

BeActive / European Week of Sport

Physical inactivity has become a pandemic that is literally killing people. With the European Commission, we launched the first European Week of Sport (EWoS) aimed at people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels. Our digital campaign to get men, women and children moving was a massive success, inspiring 5 million people in 31 countries to #BeActive.
Food Standards Agency

Our Food Future

The food system is changing and people don't know. The FSA commissioned public dialogues to find out what people think, then launched the report at Our Food Future summit. Attended by 150+ experts debating the best food future for people, over 6,000 interacted with the event live; over 160,000 engaged on social media; #OurFoodFuture trended for 3 hours; was retweeted 2,000+ times, reaching 15m+.
Ministry of Sciences and Economic Affairs of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Virtual Campus Tour

Craftwork BBDO, Interone BBDO, Ketchum Pleon GmbH
Many West German students enroll in universities close to their hometown and rule out East German universities without even seeing them. That’s why the Marketing Campaign of the 43 East German state universities decided to offer a 360-degree Virtual Campus Tour – viewable from home on a computer or mobile device.

8. B2B Communication

GE Oil &Gas

GE Oil & Gas : Interactive value chain app

We created an interactive digital experience launched at the GE Oil & Gas Annual Meeting on Feb 1-2, 2016, and showcased at other trade shows, and our facilities around the world. The purpose of the new digital tool is to educate our customers and prospects to think about today’s macro energy challenges and how GE Oil& Gas’ people and technology are collaboratively helping to 'fuel the future'.
Caverion Oyj

Caverion Space Saga

Bob the Robot
Caverion Space Saga was created to increase awareness of Caverion in a entertaining way about our services and solutions to our B2B clients and other stakeholders. The space station as a fictive place gives more room for story telling. The campaign was implemented to 12 countries. We have also focused to our people - we want them to be proud of our company!
Maersk Line

How modern marketing turned ‘tree hugging’ into bottom-line benefits

Maersk Line is the world’s largest and most eco-friendly shipping company. Offering Carbon Pacts to our Key Client segment has created increased loyalty amongst profitable customers. Our campaign spanned 10 channels and aimed at signing Carbon Pacts and starting conversations. We signed 2 Carbon Pacts and generated 2 leads. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but 1 lead has the potential of $265,551,000!

Become a #StraumannLegend

Straumann - world leading dental implant manufacturer - has launched the global #StraumannLegend campaign for its new Bone Level Tapered Implant to generate sales leads. The campaign's hollywood-like clip creates awareness to bring prospects to a landing page ( with a special introductory offer. The campaign generated more than 1'200 leads in the first four months.

Vodafone's Ready Business Indicator

Vodafone created their Ready Business Indicator to engage with SMEs in a new way. The self-evaluation tool, built by Accenture, moved conversations to a more strategic level and started engagement further down the sales funnel. More than a sales tool, the Indicator is about ensuring that the UK's SMEs (99% of UK-registered companies) do more to grasp opportunities created by our digital economy.

9. Product Campaign



Weber Shandwick
Vauxhall asked us to create a social media campaign to showcase the features of the Corsa. Social listening told us new drivers were worried about parallel parking, so we put Gerty the boxer in the driving seat and showed that Park Assist made the car so easy to park, even a dog could do it. The video smashed engagement and conversion KPIs; it was Vauxhall’s most successful social campaign ever.

#Do Great Things

Under the motto of ‘Do Great Things’, six creative influencers jointly developed a unique project for Microsoft in autumn 2015. Illustrators, designers, photographers and YouTubers made the most of what the new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 has to offer, building on the others’ ideas, getting creative themselves with their community and jointly creating a single work of art.

D-Link and LEWIS: Harnessing the Power of Selfies and Social Media

D-Link partnered with animal shelter Vita Da Cani Onlus to raise awareness of abandoned pets and promote their new video surveillance system. LEWIS devised a charitable campaign to provide food for the animals by asking fans to share pet-selfies on social media in exchange for a meal, and in doing so, drove brand awareness and engagement for D-Link.

LEibniz Urzeit Cracker Product Launch

The purpose of the marketing campaign was to support the product launch of “Leibniz Zoo Urzeit Cracker” using the possibilities that social media has to offer. The main objective was to raise awareness for the new product (savory snacks) and to generate test applications among the target group of young mothers with kids. The ambitious goal was achieved within the first two weeks of the campaign.

10. Product Launch

Allianz Worldwide Partners

Allianz Yolda

Pure New Media
Stranded people may log into the new mobile web page of Allianz and the system will direct the professional tow truck near them by learning their locations. We have branded this service which is the first for Turkey and reached around 10.000 people within 10 days with viral videos, banners and radio spots. In 2016, we have achieved the launching campaign that is most organically spread on internet
Adam Opel AG

Opel Angrillen 2016

moccamedia AG
A digital first mover project! For the first time in the history of Facebook, individual ads were simultaneously displayed for Opel dealers across Germany without them needing their own Facebook Page. To promote the new Opel OnStar technology moccamedia transformed a traditional regional strategy from "retail to digital".
Audi AG

Audi Q2 Social media public preview

How can we get people excited about something that doesn’t exist yet? At Audi’s public preview for the new Audi Q2, the company’s online communications adopted new and playful approaches – even using owls and pancakes to mesmerise Audi fans. In only three weeks the #untaggable campaign spread like wildfire and reached over 16mil. people through Audi’s social media channels alone.
Carlsberg Deutschland GmbH

Astra #übertreibmanich

Torben, Lucie und die gelbe Gefahr GmbH
For the product launch of the new Astra fan item named “Kaventsoschi”, a limited edition 3-liter bottle of Astra beer, TLGG and Astra created a cross media PR campaign with a strong focus on Social Media. The Reeperbahn Festival, one of Hamburg’s most renowned and revered events, served as the stage for a spectacular performance that generated a great amount of awareness.

11. Employer Branding & Recruiting Campaign


Video-powered recruitment | Hire for attitude, train for skills

Cammio, HROffice
Using a versatile ATS and automated video interviews, Hunkemöller is able to successfully execute their ‘Hire for attitude / train for skills’ recruitment strategy, resulting in better first impressions and a better quality of hire; making recruitment a breeze and an extension of the attractive brand.
ABB Switzerland, ABB Switzerland

ABB Dream Internship

One of the strategic thrusts of ABB’s HR Marketing is to be employer of choice. Yet it is a challenge to stick out of the mass in the heavily competitive market of young engineers. This is why we developed the “ABB Dreaminternship”; an internship which is not only characterized by an interesting project, but by specials, an entertaining recruiting process and the usage of different media channels.

Big impact. Small budget

To strengthen our employer brand and attract technology students, we launched a segmented digital campaign for our summer internships. Our ambition: Increase applicants with 20% compared to 2015, and boost attractiveness among tech students in Norway. With €5 000 we managed to increase applicants by 26% and climb 5 places to 9th on "Karrierebarometeret", a national employer attractiveness survey.
Ketchum Pleon

Studieren in Fernost

The campaign “Studying in the Far East” ended in Dec. 2015 after 7 years. The goal was to entice more students from West Germany to study at East German universities. 10 years ago, merely 1 out of every 6 students came from West Germany (16.3%), while at the start of the fall semester in 2014/15, every third freshmen came from the west. The share of West German freshmen increased by 110%!

Working for Mars, more than a Job !

To celebrate its #2 ranking among the best workplaces in France, Mars created the “More than a Job Tour”. With connected photo-booths, Mars’ employees took creative pictures explaining why working for Mars is more than a job, and shared them on social media. Then fans elected their favourite photo by liking & sharing. Results: 500 shared pictures, +60% Facebook fans, 9,000 likes, 1,000 comments

12. Viral Communication

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

Finland emojis

The world's first national emojis were published as an annual Christmas calendar of thisisFINLAND (TiF), the country image media of MFA of Finland. The emojis featured typical Finnish things such as sauna, headbanger and Nokia phone. #FINemoji worldwide media reach was more than 154 million people and social media coverage more than 15 million people. The biggest ever PR case for Finland.
Fashion Revolution

The 2 € T-Shirt - a social experiment

BBDO, Ketchum Pleon
There are millions of people enslaved in life threatening sweatshops. We wanted to see if people would still buy a cheap T-shirt if they were confronted with how it was made. We started a social experiment and our video documentation went viral, supported by influencer relations and press relations: 6+ million views on YouTube, 25 million social media impressions, 50+ million media impressions.
Norddeutscher Rundfunk / Tagesschau

The Tagesschau shows a little leg

The Tagesschau: Germany’s most famous evening news program for generations. However, one question remains the same: what do news anchors wear under the desk? This ought to change as well: in the future, news presenters would be showing some leg.

Game of Thrones Snow Art

To promote Sky Atlantic as the home of Game of Thrones in the UK we filmed renowned snow artist Simon Beck create the largest snow tribute to Game of Thrones on Earth to act as a “Stark” reminder to fans that Game of Thrones was back on Sky Atlantic. As a result 127 articles were shared 27,000 times driving 38.9 million OTS in traditional media. A record breaking 5 million viewers tuned into Ep 1.
Unilever Deutschland (Knorr)

Love at first swipe: Knorr is looking for love on Tinder

ad publica Public Relations GmbH
Can flavour help find love? Yes it can. But how can we prove that it really works? With the characters featured in the viral hit #LoveAtFirstTaste, Knorr used Tinder to look for people with the same taste preferences. The guerilla campaign’s results: hundreds of matches and flirts, 90 % positive feedback, social buzz about the campaign and over 3m views from Germany on the campaign film.

13. Internal Communication


HSBC NOW: Raj's Story

Can creative use of internal communications save a life? These films say it can. When Raj Bhuller, an HSBC employee, needed a stem cell transplant to cure his rare form of blood cancer, simple, effective storytelling in this campaign ignited a community to act. 133,000 HSBC employees viewed the 4-part series of films and 6,100 HSBC employees signed up as potential blood stem cell donors.
&ranj serious games

Knowledge Knockout

Knowledge Knockout is the newest innovative learning intervention for knowledge sharing. This serious game turns employees into true company ambassadors in a playful way. It is a mobile app in which employees compete against each other in exciting quiz battles on topics like vision, strategy and product knowledge. Knowledge Knockout is competitive, fun and permanent learning at the same time!


Digit’all is part of the AccorHotels’ digital plan. It aims to enhance the digital culture of our 190 000 employees through a new internal communication method. On this responsive website, using informal learning and gamification, users can learn about digital stakes with a monthly episode mixing original and journalistic webseries, infographics and articles.
Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH

The Bosch Connect Roadshow - A virtual reality experience

Communication Consultants, SHAP3D GbR
The Bosch Connect Roadshow is an internal communication campaign, centering on the Bosch Connect Cube, a 3D-cube using cutting edge VR-technology to get associates familiar with Bosch Connect, Bosch’s internal social enterprise platform. The roadshow has attracted Bosch-wide attention and will soon go to the USA, China and Europe.

14. Public Affairs

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Iceberg Songs

Buzzin Monkey, Serviceplan Campaign 3 GmbH, Serviceplan Public Relations GmbH
We're on the verge of a global catastrophe. But it's still denied by politicians. As climate change is so hard to capture by radionality we made it perceptible by sense and emotion. With the United Nations and international Top DJs, we transformed unique sounds of melting icebergs into dance tracks that hit the web. Now the dying icebergs cry so loud that nobody can close his ears to their lament.
Central Krankenversicherung AG

The Google Sick Search Study

achtung! GmbH, thjnk AG
Germans are increasingly looking up their medical symptoms on Google instead of going to a doctor. Health insurance provider CENTRAL evaluates millions of searches. The findings are devastating! A campaign is launched: The Google Sick Search Study. It’s generating an overwhelming response – online, on TV and in politics. In the process CENTRAL recommends new standards for online health info.

Engaging university students in student politics

How do you engage university students in student politics? Or to care about their membership in a union such as Djøf? To make Djøf and the student political situation in Denmark tangible (and eatble!) we combined offline events with social media exposure based on community generated content. The result is a large, engaged and lively student community based on student political debates.
The Polish Chamber of Books


Hill+Knowlton Strategies
More than half of Poles did not buy a single book in 2015 and even worse, more than 10 million don’t own one. Hill+Knowlton Strategies developed a call to action #SaveBooks with the Polish Chamber of Books to lobby for the fixed price of books and encourage readership across Poland. After a 5-month campaign, the Bill was successfully passed to the Parliamentary Commission on Culture and Media.
ÖBB-Holding AG

ÖBB - "Humanity takes the train"

Pick & Barth Digital Strategies GmbH
August 2015, the refugee crisis keeps Europe in suspense. At the heart of the flash point and the ever-changing events – ÖBB. Within 24h a campaign was created, designed and implemented: MENSCHLICHKEIT FÄHRT BAHN. This unleashed a “lovestorm“ in the digital public sphere, led to praisal of the excellent communication of ÖBB and triggered the sympathy of its customers.

15. CSR Communication

Gjensidige, Trygg Trafikk

Hold Fokus

PR- operatørene, Tjarnargatan
Drivers distracted by their mobile phones is an increasing problem on Norwegian roads. Together with Trygg Trafikk, Gjensidige wanted to place this problem on the agenda. Through an innovative video-application and hugely successful PR-work, distracted drivers was one of the most mentioned subjects of this year’s summer and the campaign had a reach of over 30 000 000.
Schwartauer Werke

bee careful - bee helper

Bees are our third most important livestock – and they are endangered by several external factors. The #Bienenhelfer (Bee Helper) campaign with its slogan „Du brauchst DIE BIENE braucht Dich!“ (You need THE BEE needs you!) called attention to the situation of the hardworking animal and mobilised users via microsite, social media and blogger relations to actively make a contribution to bee health.

Letters to Gallipoli

We have created a website for the unreplied letters of soldiers written in 1915, in Gallipoli, during the First World War. The grandchildren of Turkish and Anzac soldiers who entered encountered these letters and a Gallipoli map. They chose a soldier and replied. For every letter written, a tree is being planted to create a forest of peace in Gallipoli.
Vaillant Group

My Green IQ

The Vaillant Group conducted the first pan-European study on green intelligence among 13.500 participants in 13 different countries. The results of that study were publicized in an online CSR campaign: ‘My Green IQ’. Being a sustainable company the Vaillant Group wanted to create further engagement with the topic by enabling visitors to check their own ‘Green IQ’ and compare their IQ with others.
Vodafone Group

#BeStrong Anti-bullying Emojis

Having asked 5,000 young people about cyberbullying,Vodafone found they lacked the tools to take a stand and show support for friends bullied online. The PR team responded by creating a suite of 'support' emojis which launched on Snapchat and across emoji keyboards used by millions. The campaign gained support from global influencers including YouTuber Tyler Oakley. 153.5 million people reached.

16. Content Marketing

TOTAL Deutschland GmbH

EXCELLIUM Germany Tour

Uhura Creative Media GmbH
EXCELLIUM is the premium fuel that ensures exceptional engine cleanliness. For the content and Social media campaign an editorial team - photographers, video- and social media editors - celebrate the love for cars. Through dialogs they taught knowledge and helpful information to promote EXCELLIUM. As a result the campaign reached 16 M Facebook fans and 1.8 M interactions in only eight weeks.

Mission to the Moon

thjnk ag
Reaching the impossible – that’s what turn people into pioneers. And stories into history. Audi has always taken new paths – with technology and in communication. The launch of the mission lies in the future – but already today it inspires people all over the globe. Over 54 million media contacts generated, a PR value of 8.5 million and 39 Audi markets involved.
Deutsche Bank AG

#EconomyStories by Deutschen Bank

#EconomyStories is a unique storytelling format for the finance industry. Videos boasting high-end production values spotlight inspiring stories by thought leaders and founders. Deutsche Bank acts as presenter; there are no advertising messages. This format creates positive visibility and awareness in social networks, with a total reach of more than 3 million users worldwide.
Therme Bucharest

Therme Bucharest: from noise to music

Rogalski Damaschin Public Relations
In January 2016, with the launch of the first thermal center in Romania, buzz of the newly opened Therme Bucharest took over media and social media. After a successful public launch, visitors unaccustomed to the specific rules of such a facility started an online revolution in an attempt to change them. The brand responded using an unconventional orchestra flashmob to make a public statement.
Vodafone GmbH

I’ll show you the world – experience the Vodafone network

A good network can’t be touched or photographed. It has to be experienced. That is why Vodafone sent Mia Buehler around the world- connected via 4G Roaming; enabling live visits of five European cities.The project was present on all social channels with the hashtag #izddw. Vodafone delivered travel inspirations via 4G Roaming and the target group answered with more than 1m interactions & 6m views.
eBay Deutschland

Germany´s First Sneakers Art Gallery

achtung! GmbH
The sneaker market is huge. eBay wants to be seen as THE place to go. The problem is that sneaker fans tend to buy from niche stores. How can eBay attract this community of individualists? They host Germany’s first Sneakers Art Gallery! eBay offers the stage to sneaker influencers who act as the gallery’s “curators” – presenting sneakers in a pop-up art gallery. The response is overwhelming.

17. Online Storytelling

Vodafone Group

#BeStrong Anti-bullying Emojis

Having asked 5,000 young people about cyberbullying,Vodafone found they lacked the tools to take a stand and show support for friends bullied online. The PR team responded by creating a suite of 'support' emojis which launched on Snapchat and across emoji keyboards used by millions. The campaign gained support from global influencers including YouTuber Tyler Oakley. 153.5 million people reached.

In Theory

Inspiring, human stories behind obscure theoretical physics form the core of CERN’s first feature article series. The web, social media, content and multimedia teams produced 6 pieces, took over the homepage and showcased new social media techniques. The result? A 500% increase on average time spent on the website – as people engaged with text & 360o photos and an overwhelmingly positive response.

Heist on Cam

41,29 Grey
The 3 month campaign is based upon an interactive detective story using 360-degree cameras and put’s the user in the role of the best detective in town. The user has to solve optical puzzles against criminals who use anamorphic illusions to get away with their crimes. Using the unique interface, users were able to view, rewind, zoom-in and out, to solve the crime - using the product itself.
Shell International Petroleum Company


Shell introduced a brand new retail content platform. Filled with real people and real stories. All starting with one simple question: “Where are you going?” People from all over the world shared their personal journeys with us. These stories changed people’s perception of Shell. For the first time in our history the words ‘love' and ‘care' were associated with our brand!
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Iceberg Songs

Buzzin Monkey, Serviceplan Campaign 3 GmbH, Serviceplan Public Relations GmbH
We're on the verge of a global catastrophe. But it's still denied by politicians. As climate change is so hard to capture by radionality we made it perceptible by sense and emotion. With the United Nations and international Top DJs, we transformed unique sounds of melting icebergs into dance tracks that hit the web. Now the dying icebergs cry so loud that nobody can close his ears to their lament.

18. Influencer Communications

Bauerfeind AG

Bauerfeind "Motion is Life" - Run to New York

Profilwerkstatt GmbH
The campaign focused on flow – a moment that athletes experience when running, the so-called runner’s high. The community was requested to post an image depicting this moment using the #meinflowmoment. The campaign relied on influencers to increase reach. Running bloggers told their community about the contest, where the prize was a place on the starting grid of the 2015 New York City Marathon.
Antony Morato Essedi SpA

Antony Morato #IAMWHOIAM

Early Morning Srl
I am. Two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them, shapes your reality. “I am who I am” is the concept of the Spring Summer 2016 Antony Morato Campaign. We engaged 10 influencers and reached more than 1.6 million people. We developed a dedicated mini website for the campaign, made up of influencers’ content an we communicated the campaign via social media.
Dekatlon Buzz

Fortune Traveller

For our project ‘Fortune Traveller’, we aimed to trigger our target audience into discovering the different destinations within Turkey and further increase our tourism rates. To do so, we invited 10 of the world’s most famous YouTube personalities to meet together in Istanbul, where they would discover the city and document their experiences through their own personal accounts with their followers
HRA Pharma

Only if I want – Stealth Mode Influencer Activation Campaign

Cohn & Wolfe Public Relations GmbH & Co KG
How to get into the conversations of young women with the morning-after pill, if they don't even talk about contraception? We engaged influencers on YouTube, Blogs, Instagram and Snapchat to talk about something else: about female sexual empowerment and modern feminism. Directly to the audience, unnoticed by politics and church. And drove sales of ellaOne up 48%.

Smile.mvideo was mostly perceived as traditional retailer not active enough in communication with online customers. The main target was to engage online audience in communication with the brand. Internet and social media opinion leaders were involved into development and promotion of the Smile.mvideo project to meet the target. As a result, the company engaged the audience and strengthened brand trust.

19. Online Competition

Deutsche Bahn AG


Train stations are lively places. #MissionBahnhof collected experiences, photos and stories using Instagram. For each image submitted, DB donated to the refugee assistance of the Bahnhofsmission charity. More than 1,700 Instagrammers took part, with 20.000€ collected. The unique motifs and stories can now be seen in a travelling exhibition at German train stations.
FrieslandCampina UK

Unlock Yazoo

a friend of mine
In 2015, YAZOO decided to completely redesign their bottles: much more environmentally friendly and a better shape and touch. However, the bottle was also made a bit smaller while the price stayed the same. YAZOO figured that this could potentially be an issue for the consumer. So they asked us to celebrate the new bottle while making sure that the shrinkflation wouldn’t become a problem.

TNT Weather Forecast Presenter with Nestle Fitness

ProPlacement, Zenith
Online joint competition of TNT channel and NESTLÉ FITNESS brand within the launch of a new television program "The weather forecast on TNT." The winner became one of the presenter of "weather forecast", a new program of TNT.

Cube: a worlwide employees contest on Orange 2020 strategy

Launched for the first anniversary of Essentials2020, Orange’s new strategy, Cube is an internal online contest for Orange 150 000 employees all around the world, aimed to create a collective digital dynamic built around the company’s values and to help employees gain a better understanding of this new strategy. 25 000 employees played actively on Cube, totaling nearly 1 500 000 game plays.

20. Social Customer Service

TUI Customer Operations GmbH, TUI Deutschland GmbH, TUI Deutschland GmbH, TUI Service AG

Social Customer Service @TUI

TUI wants to become the leader in social media for the tourism sector. The most important part is empathic, helpful social care. For this we have established an innovative structure involving our staff all over the world. With the advantage of the global time shift and an intelligent software solution we provide answers 24/7. Thanks to great teamwork we provide tailored social customer service.
OX Media

Happy Pets - Vetoquinol

A social media campaign on Facebook for Vetoquinol – a manufacturerer of veterinary products – to create an expert brand which is open to the needs of pets and their owners and reach its sales goals. We are proud to have crated a community of almost 55 000 engaged animal lovers earning high positions in the Sotrender ranks for most engaging pages.

In the heart of the 22 March through social media

As the operator of the Brussels metro the STIB naturally took the attack at Maelbeek station to heart. Social networks immediately became very prominent within the crisis communication. On 22 March and the days that followed, the Social Media team in Customer Care and the Communication team mobilised social networks to provide travellers with the best possible service.

21. Website

Artsen zonder Grenzen

Artsen zonder Grenzen

Artsen zonder Grenzen (Doctors without Borders) is one of the most well known non-profit brands in the world. When we were asked to create a new website for AzG, we decided to focus on the organization’s unsung heroes: the people who work out in the field, often under dangerous circumstances. The amount of visitors willing to donate to the charity has doubled since the launch of the new website.
Central Norway Regional Health Authority, Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, Western Norway Regional Health Authority

A joint online solution for Norwegian public hospitals

The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth
All Norwegian public hospitals gather in a joint online solution that aims to provide patients and health professionals with relevant information. The solution implies a conglomerate of independent, but yet standardized websites, based on a joint content management system and joint strategy of content. The websites become a substantial part of a specialist health service that puts patients first.
European Central Bank

European Central Bank Website

]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation
The ECB built one new website adopting the best practices in responsive design and tailoring it for a mobile audience. The new ECB website features a streamlined homepage that allows users to navigate smoothly through a range of content types and formats. Deeper into the site, information is broken down intuitively, helping users find what they need faster and more efficiently.
Finnish National Opera and Ballet

New website of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet

Freelancer art director, Freelancer stragerist
The new website of Finnish national opera and ballet is a rich and visual online service that is easily approachable, yet a captivating experience that is accessible to all Finns.
adidas Group

New Careers Site

We wanted to evolve our Careers site to be one that is built with responsive design, telling the employer brand story and showcasing powerful imagery and video to bring our brand to life. We want to excite job seekers that are a cultural fit, to explore a career with one of our Brands. The feedback we have received is terrific which tells us we are doing well, but now we want to know how well.

22. Microsite


Heist on Cam

41,29 Grey
The 3 month campaign is based upon an interactive detective story using 360-degree cameras and put’s the user in the role of the best detective in town. The user has to solve optical puzzles against criminals who use anamorphic illusions to get away with their crimes. Using the unique interface, users were able to view, rewind, zoom-in and out, to solve the crime - using the product itself.
Airbus Group

"The Sky's not the limit" campaign

‘The Sky’s not the limit’ microsite is an interactive online journey through iconic products of Airbus Group, which is optimised for desktop computers, mobile devices and touches screens. It serves now as a valuable overview of the Company’s wide product range and activities, enhancing the brand awareness, generating enthusiasm and inciting users to share their experience.
Meda AS

Unique visitors to Allergiguiden increased by over 400% in the campaign period. Media has published 150 articles referencing and linking to Allergiguiden, with a reach of more than 8 million, with a population in Norway of 5.2 million. In SoMe we doubled the amount of followers, with a reach of 414.000 in the target group (population of 1 million) and more than 15000 engagements.

Letters to Gallipoli

We have created a website for the unreplied letters of soldiers written in 1915, in Gallipoli, during the First World War. The grandchildren of Turkish and Anzac soldiers who entered encountered these letters and a Gallipoli map. They chose a soldier and replied. For every letter written, a tree is being planted to create a forest of peace in Gallipoli.

23. Report


Digital Report of Búrfell Wind Farm EIA

Jónson & Le'macks, Mannvit, Skapaón
The digital Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Búrfell Wind Farm is an innovative, non-tech approach of taking the EIA process to the next level. Earlier published EIAs are highly technical, almost requiring expertise knowledge. The project is raising the standards for EIA reports the world over, offering a new way of demonstrating important information in a clear and accessible manner.
Addison Group, WPP plc

WPP plc - Annual Report & Accounts 2015

For WPP, the Annual Report is not simply the compliant response to a legal requirement; it is WPP’s single most important annual communication. The WPP Annual Report presents both a compelling investment case and a celebration of creativity. Highly distinctive and well regarded, the report is WPP’s calling card, giving the final word on what the value of a creative holding company actually is.
Elior Group

Elior Group 2014-2015 activity report

The 2014-2015 Elior Group Activity Report aims at positioning the company as the caterer of choice, in line with its 2020 strategy, using social media as an inspiration and a platform to illustrate the Group’s conviction that digital innovation is a key factor in improving the customers’ experience. It was conceived and launched in collaboration with 6 instagrammers.
Robert Bosch GmbH

The story of “Simply.Connected.”

Sapient Nitro, heureka GmbH
Bosch is in the process of becoming an IoT company. The annual report has thus been designed as an interactive journey that makes the intangible IoT tangible for stakeholders. Layout and technology connect the figures with the stories, and act as a metaphor for the “Simply.Connected.” strategy. A view duration of Ø5:20 min so far and 500,000 visits expected in 2016 attest to the content’s quality.
Symrise AG

Online 2015 Annual Report "Growing Together", Symrise AG

3st kommunikation GmbH
Symrise has been expanding. The fragrance, flavouring, and cosmetics and food active ingredient manufacturer is maintaining a networking strategy to keep its high-profile position on the international markets. Sharing ideas and experiences with partners leads to innovation and sustainable solutions. That gives Symrise its unmistakable signature as becomes apparent in its online annual report 2015.

24. Intranet

Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Telekom AG

A truly social intranet: you and me - the personal information hub

Deutsche Telekom has broken new ground with its new intranet homepage. The editorial team no longer selects the homepage contents exclusively. The employees' interests and individual usage patterns determine which content is relevant and displayed – customized for each individual. This turned the social intranet into reality at the Company merging the social network and the traditional intranet.

OneLuxottica: Our Digital Workplace

We are Luxottica – a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of fashion, luxury and sports eyewear. With approximately 79k employees across five continents, we identified a need for one digital platform that would connect them all. OneLuxottica was created; a global intranet offering a mix of editorial and collaborative features, easily accessible and viewable in five languages.
Porsche AG

Carrera Online

In December 2015 “Carrera Online” – the Porsche intranet – underwent a further relaunch to follow the digitisation of the corporate culture. Besides a complete facelift, which improved the navigation and structure, the intranet was enhanced by social features to support social collaboration and interaction. The intranet is now based on the social business platform “Jive 8”.


By utilizing the benefits of the O365 stack, the availability of the cloud and creating a beautiful visually driven user interface we have managed to create a fantastic digital workplace that drives Tele2’s business and culture by: simplifying communication processes, empowering all employees and increasing organizational productivity.
Wienerberger AG

iComm: Share your Passion

HATAHET productivity solutions GmbH, Publix Werbe GmbH
„iComm is my gate to the Wienerberger World, where I can network and enter into dialogue to collaborate more efficiently and to share knowledge”.This is the vision of the intranet project realized by Wienerberger AG in 2016. Close cooperation between IT and communication, a 100% internally developed concept and an attractive communication design were the keys to success of this project.

25. Web Portal

Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, NLevator

NL Groeit

NLGroeit is a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Economic Affairs, NLevator and the Chamber of Commerce. TamTam is creating the online platform, which will make entrepreneurs aware of opportunities for growth. For example, the platform facilitates finding the ideal match with a mentor, course or other service which could help them to grow.

Kellogg's Sales Academy

Kellogg’s European Sales Academy was launched to support the sales team of 650 become ‘The Best quality FMCG Sales Team in EMEA’. INVOLVE created a bespoke brand and ‘Virtual Academy’ to empower self-development and facilitate online and offline learning across the region. A series of interactive events followed in 17 countries to launch the new site and explain its functionality and benefits.
Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.

"Everything Will Be Alright" content platform

PM poslovni mediji, d.o.o.
Zavarovalnica Triglav’s content platform „Everything will be alright“ is a step towards changing the general belief of insurance companies being too complicated. By providing different formats of up to date, relevant and engaging content with very clear messages the leading Slovenian insurance is becoming a trusted and comprehensible partner to its customers in daily life.

26. Blog

Royal FrieslandCampina

The Milk Story 2015-2016

Het Portaal
By offering a platform for usual suspects and unsung heroes to share authentic stories and opinions, The Milk Story makes the challenges and developments of the Dutch dairy industry visible and accessible to a broad audience. Through storytelling and blogging, The Milk Story enables and engages all relevant stakeholders to define and shape a sustainable and responsible future of the dairy industry
EF Education First

EF Education First Blog

EF Education First’s travel, language learning and culture-focused blog aims to be a leading voice in the field, bringing inspiring and interesting content to a global audience. Rolled out to 40 countries in the past year and now available in 22 languages, the EF Blog has expanded our global audience by nearly 4 million and boosted conversion to sales around the globe.
F-Secure Corporation

F-Secure Business Security Insider

Delasocial GmbH
In the face of increasing cyberattacks F-Secure’s B2B cyber security blog “Business Security Insider” provides expert and hands-on knowledge for decision makers in SMBs and enterprises. This systematic B2B content marketing approach generates awareness and leads in selected markets from Finland to Japan. Moreover, automated lead nurturing allows an effective follow up with curated offers.


Taking into consideration the users’ need for unique content, we decided to launch Public Blog on April 2014. Public blog is not just a corporate blog since it has a lifestyle orientation and was created to attract more customers, build brand love and connect with people. Our 80.000 unique monthly visitors prove it! Content is the future!
TUI Cruises GmbH

The Mein Schiff Blog - the digital magazine of TUI Cruises

With colorful reports, glimpses behind the scenes or portraits the Mein Schiff Blog lets the guests be part of the Mein Schiff experience before and after their journey. In addition the blogazine is meant to inspire non-cruisers to come onboard. Next to editorial texts video content creates a vivid and authentic feeling for what a cruise holiday on board of the Mein Schiff Fleet feels like.

27. Mobile and Apps

The University of Salford

Match Made in Salford

Ask a student who’s been through the clearing system and they’ll tell you that it can be a hugely stressful time. Match Made in Salford is an app designed to help people make informed decisions about where to study, whether they’ve changed their mind, are late to the process, or things have changed while applying. At the same time, it aims to boost student recruitment at the University of Salford.
Red Bull Poland

Red Bull - Driving

Havas Media Group
The mobile campaign aimed at reminding drivers to drink Red Bull while en route to their winter holiday destinations. To precisely target mobile push notifications, multiple data sets were used: geolocation, behavioral profiles, timing and traveled distance. Reaching only precisely selected audience, the campaign resulted in a 6x higher CTR, compared to standard mobile notification benchmarks.
Statnett SF

The future is electric - keep the BALANCE

Hyper Interactive
At the end of 2015 Statnett launched the online game BALANCE. The goal was to invite gamers into the world of a power system, a sphere full of challenges to provide people with electricity. Providing a mix of casual gaming and infotainment, BALANCE climbed to the top of Apple Store Norway, and has since spread to 104 000 gamers around the world. Out of 562 reviews, it scores 4,3 in Google Play.
Vodafone Libertel BV

Vodafone's SmartJacket

DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Glasnost International B.V.
In the Netherlands cycling is part of our life. However with the increasing usage of the smartphone this can lead to unsafe situations. Vodafone came up with a smarter way of using the smartphone. Together with the Dutch cyclists association they invented the SmartJacket, a special jacket that helps cyclists navigate safely to traffic without using their mobile phone.

28. Online Event and Live Communication

Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines Periscope Flight

Periscope Flight Project is an innovative project in which the first live-stream broadcast in the air took place. The hospitality and service of good quality and of Turkish Airlines was shown live during the broadcast and we received 5,118 new followers and 292,779 total likes.

The First Facebook Film Premiere

Weber Shandwick
Heritage brand Belstaff had produced Outlaws, a short film featuring David Beckham in his first lead acting role. We created the world’s first Facebook film premiere, wrapped with exclusive content including a Q&A with Beckham. In one week, there were 17.9 million views of the film. Total reach to date: 50 million. In launch month, Belstaff was the highest performing luxury brand on social media.
Charta der Vielfalt e.V.

German Diversity Day 2016: Defending and Strengthening Diversity within the Online Community

navos - Public Dialogue Consultants GmbH
In the 10th year of the “Charta der Vielfalt”, diversity in the working world faces enormous challenges as the values of diversity & openness have come under attack in some parts of society. On the German Diversity Day, the Diversity Charter Association has sent out a clear signal in response: with hundreds of partners from business, culture, politics & thousands of linked digital posts.
Ogilvy PR BCN

Superstar at Primavera Sound

We created a social media campaign related with the Superstar relaunch "Find the Superstar" before Primavera Sound'15. During the festival we created together with PIM PAM studio a huge Superstar sneaker that we placed there. We invited all participants to live an immersive experience and to feel like a SUPERSTAR with oculus rift. All users could share the experience in their social networks.
Vodafone GmbH

I’ll show you the world – experience the Vodafone network

A good network can’t be touched or photographed. It has to be experienced. That is why Vodafone sent Mia Buehler around the world- connected via 4G Roaming; enabling live visits of five European cities.The project was present on all social channels with the hashtag #izddw. Vodafone delivered travel inspirations via 4G Roaming and the target group answered with more than 1m interactions & 6m views.

29. Web Magazine

DutchGiraffe | Digital Creatives


The Dutch Railway company ( NS ) wants to encourage B2C NS subscribers to travel more often by train. Leading Dutch bloggers and influentials selected their tips and best addresses in four favorite Dutch cities. They created native content which was published in a responsive digital magazine #nsfavourites & send by email to 700.000 NS subscribers.
HRA Pharma - A Magazine About Sex, Contraception and Feminism

Cohn & Wolfe Public Relations GmbH & Co KG
How to make sure, women find the right information in case of a contraception accident? Embed it into a women's magazine about sex, feminism and love. With the relaunched website we became a vocal part in the German online conversation about consent and sexual self-determination. Have been there with information in case of emergency. And drove awareness (+10) and sales (+48) to an all-time-hight.
Royal Boskalis Westminster

Boskalis HORIZONS Magazine (Issue 3 - November 2015)

Boskalis published a web magazine with a contemporary and responsive design. As the company has grown its global dredging and maritime activities considerably in recent years, the magazine presents Boskalis and its core values, portrays its entrepreneurial and innovative people as well as the impressive projects and services it executes, and offers fresh perspectives to its stakeholders.
Volkswagen AG

Fleet Driver Website

Lattke und Lattke GmbH
Automobile, Professional Life and Lifestyle: is a responsive online magazine of Volkswagen Group, especially designed for fleet drivers. It presents tailor-made contents for company car users in an appealing way: new products of all brands of Volkswagen Group as well as tax-related, legal and technical information and fascinating reports.
Zeit Online GmbH

ZEIT Campus Online

Edenspiekermann AG
We designed the new website for ZEIT Campus, ZEIT ONLINE’s digital offering for students. Working together with their editorial and product team, we created a new magazine within the main news site. The unique look and feel differentiates it from ZEIT ONLINE, and a clear topic-driven approach lets students connect easily with the most pressing issues.

30. Corporate Film


HSBC NOW: Our People, Our Story

This campaign is about repairing trust from within, and re-building reputation. The creative idea was to invite all employees, using a bespoke video crowd-sourcing tool (which we created in just 8 weeks) to film, from sunrise to sunset, the moments, people and places which motivate them to be at their best. Over 57hrs of user-generated footage was edited into an engaging film of under 10 minutes.
Daimler AG

Mercedes-Benz "Aging in Style"

On the 80th anniversary of the launch of the Mercedes-Benz diesel engine, in our film the advantages of the product, such as longevity, robustness and reliability are conveyed by an authentic third party. In this case it concerned an almost comical Moroccan taxi driver who owns a stroke eight model which he still uses every day.
EDP Renováveis

This must be the place

The video features EDPR, a global leader in renewable energy, and its operations and market positioning. The concept “this must be the place” reinforces the importance of the company’s legacy for future generations and effectively and dynamically communicates the main results of the 2015 annual report.

KONE film - A Slice of Urban Life

hasan & partners, hasan communications, hasan motion
By embracing city life in all its vibrancy and discussing urban challenges head on, in its film, Slice of Urban Life, KONE outlines a compelling mission of improving the flow of urban life, through better planned, denser cities. With a focus on people and services, the film capture the hearts and minds of all audiences, external, internal, customers and consumers alike.
Sassenbach Advertising

The Perfect Match: Timo Boll and KUKA

Following the „THE DUEL 2014“ and „THE REVENGE 2015“ we created – together with our partner Velvet – a spectacular online-video for the KUKA 2016 brand relaunch. The film is called „THE PERFECT MATCH“, featuring KUKA brand ambassador Timo Boll, the KUKA KR titan, the KUKA omniMove – and of course: Orange Intelligenz. It was released at the Cebit Trade Fair and got a big success and media coverage.

31. Viral Video

Fashion Revolution

The 2 € T-Shirt - a social experiment

BBDO, Ketchum Pleon
There are millions of people enslaved in life threatening sweatshops. We wanted to see if people would still buy a cheap T-shirt if they were confronted with how it was made. We started a social experiment and our video documentation went viral, supported by influencer relations and press relations: 6+ million views on YouTube, 25 million social media impressions, 50+ million media impressions.
Therme Bucharest

Therme Bucharest: from noise to music

Rogalski Damaschin Public Relations
In January 2016, with the launch of the first thermal center in Romania, buzz of the newly opened Therme Bucharest took over media and social media. After a successful public launch, visitors unaccustomed to the specific rules of such a facility started an online revolution in an attempt to change them. The brand responded using an unconventional orchestra flashmob to make a public statement.
Allianz Worldwide Partners

Allianz Yolda

Pure New Media
We created fake news stories and told amateur towing stories for advertising mobile site of Allianz’s location based car towing service: The funny videos which looked like from a real TV news and uploaded from an anonymous account, became organically most spreading viral content of 2016 in Turkey and were viewed by 2 million people in just 1 day.

ASocial Experiment #WorldASDay

Digitas Health LifeBrands, JSR Agency
For World AS Day, we hit the streets to find out what people know about AS. Their responses ranged from Asperger’s Syndrome to Acute Scrotum. It’s Ankylosing Spondylitis, an inflammatory disease in the spine. We took their answers and turned them into a social campaign targeting those most at risk. Thousands commented, tagged & shared. Some even went to see their doctor to get tested and get help.

Knorr - #LoveAtFirstTaste

Knorr set out to drive reappraisal with Millennials by tapping into our shared passion for food & cooking. Research showed flavour was key in relationship compatibility so we set up blind dates matched entirely by flavour, filmed the results & created an online Flavour Profiler to help viewers find & share their profile. The campaign launched a global conversation with over 2B imps & 108M views.

32. Data Visualisation and Information Design


Digital Report of Búrfell Wind Farm EIA

Jónson & Le'macks, Mannvit, Skapaón
The digital Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Búrfell Wind Farm is an innovative, non-tech approach of taking the EIA process to the next level. Earlier published EIAs are highly technical, almost requiring expertise knowledge. The project is raising the standards for EIA reports the world over, offering a new way of demonstrating important information in a clear and accessible manner.

Happiness on a plate!

As the caterer of choice for four million guests every day, Elior Group gets to observe their break time up close. The “Happiness on a plate!” social media campaign was conceived to share with a wide BtoC audience the results of a survey demonstrating the importance of the lunch break for French workers and the key role of the company restaurant.
Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH

The Bosch Connect Roadshow - A virtual reality experience

Communication Consultants, SHAP3D GbR
A virtual reality experience, centering on the Bosch Connect Cube, a 3D-cube using cutting edge VR-technology to get associates familiar with Bosch Connect, Bosch’s internal social enterprise platform. The Bosch Connect Cube presents complex facts in a visually appealing, informative and entertaining manner.
Vaillant Group

My Green IQ

The Vaillant Group conducted the first pan-European study on green intelligence among 13.500 participants in 13 different countries. The results of that study were publicized in an online CSR campaign: ‘My Green IQ’. Being a sustainable company the Vaillant Group wanted to create further engagement with the topic by enabling visitors to check their own ‘Green IQ’ and compare their IQ with others.

33. Social Media Platform

AbbVie WEC, AbbVie [Israel]

Doctors Channel on YouTube

Doctors’ Channel is a unique social responsibility pilot project that provides educational health videos via YouTube on a wide variety of medical conditions & diseases-directly from the experts. Hundreds of thousands of surfers have already obtained objective and reliable answers, information & directions prior to an office visit, saving valuable time during the actual doctor’s appointment.
Bluforce MarKom GmbH, Lidl Österreich GmbH

Heimvorteil Social Media Case

Analog to the launch of the Lidl Austria " Heimvorteil " campaign, a social media campaign was developed which reached a broad audience across all channels with brand-appeal infotainment content and smart seeding strategy. Relevant contents were specifically disseminated not only via lead channels, but also through semi-personalized profiles. A real „Heimvorteil“.
Deutsche Telekom

YouTube Netzgeschichten

Weber Shandwick
Weber Shandwick worked with Deutsche Telekom’s in-house team to refresh its YouTube channel, creating and producing engaging, weekly video content, with young hosts introducing technology topics from automatic cars to embedded SIM cards. The 46 videos so far average 24,408 views each, up from 2,000 per video. Google is using the channel as an example of best-in-class corporate storytelling.
Maersk Line

How modern marketing turned ‘tree hugging’ into bottom-line benefits

Maersk Line is the world’s largest and most eco-friendly shipping company. Offering Carbon Pacts to our Key Client segment has created increased loyalty amongst profitable customers. Our campaign spanned 10 channels and aimed at signing Carbon Pacts and starting conversations. We signed 2 Carbon Pacts and generated 2 leads. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but 1 lead has the potential of $265,551,000!
Unilever Deutschland (Knorr)

Love at first swipe: Knorr is looking for love on Tinder

ad publica Public Relations GmbH
Can flavour help find love? Yes it can. But how can we prove that it really works? With the characters featured in the viral hit #LoveAtFirstTaste, Knorr used Tinder to look for people with the same taste preferences. The guerilla campaign’s results: hundreds of matches and flirts, 90 % positive feedback, social buzz about the campaign and over 3m views from Germany on the campaign film.

34. Best Bachelor's Thesis


Queer Realism: Tangerine in a Post-Cinematic Context

35. Best Master's Thesis
